Darren Le Baron is a world renowned educator in Ethnomycology and Psychedelic studies. Based in the UK and the Caribbean he is also a grassroots community activist and influencer. With a background in Creative Arts, Organic Horticulture and Permaculture, he is the creator of the Shroomshop, a Mushroom Cultivation initiative that engages local communities, schools and business enterprises alike.

Webinar & Masterclass

Psychedelics in Africa: The Untold Story


One Time for Life Time

Join me in this series to learn the incredible history and the enriching stories of psychedelics in Africa. I will share my research, knowledge and experience through the lens of ancient history, mythology and scientific studies. Although rarely recognized by researchers and scientists psychoactive fungi and plants have been used by the earliest indigenous people of Africa for spiritual and community development for a millennia. Several African communities continue today to use these sacred plants in their rites of passage, initiation ceremonies and daily rituals. Sign up now and get access to over 5 hours content and come journey with me into this amazing world.

Shroomshop Masterclass


One Time for Life Time

One of my most exciting and sell out events, The Shroomshop:Mushroom Cultivation for Beginners, is now an online masterclass you can own forever. I have teamed up with The Psychedelic Society to bring Shroomshop to your screens in the most compact and accessible way. In this online masterclass you will learn indoor mushroom cultivation for growing medicinal and gourmet mushrooms from start to finish, in an easy to follow step-by-step series of videos. Sign up now and start your cultivation journey with me.


You are a Mushroom Having a Human Experience clothing now available!

Upcoming Events

MycoBim: Mushroom Wellbeing

Join us in Barbados for MycoBim, a transformative seven day mushroom experience that goes beyond the usual wellness retreat. By exploring the fascinating world of fungi with us, you'll truly be cultivating a sustainable relationship with these living and breathing organisms. 

MycoBim Local Programme

Come and expand your mushroom cultivation knowledge and learn new growing techniques in this 2 day course. It is perfect for anyone who has attended any of Darren’s previous Shroomshops for Beginners but not it’s not essential.

Upcoming Events

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